Jumat, 11 Mei 2012


       Definition of Nurses


        Definition of nursing based on the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1239/Menkes/SK/XI/2001 of Registration and Nursing Practice is a person who has graduated nurse education both at home and abroad in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws.
         So someone can say as a nurse if he could prove that he has completed a nursing education both outside and within the country that usually evidenced by certificates or letter of graduation.

Other nurses definitions: 
  1. According to Law No. 23 of 1992 on Health, nurses are those who have the ability and authority to take action based on his knowledge of nursing gained through nursing education
  2.  Nurse according to the definition of Tyalor C. Lillis C. Lemone (1989) is a person who plays a role in caring for or maintain, helping to protect a person because of illness, injury and the aging process. 
  3. According to the ICN (International Council of Nursing) in 1965, the nurse is someone who has completed a nursing education are eligible as well as authorities in the country concerned to provide nursing services is responsible for improving health, disease prevention and patient care hospital.

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